This program may be freely distributed provided that it remains unaltered and this document accompanies every version. Quiz Maker has been tested under Macintosh System 7.x on many different Macs. Since it is impossible to test the program on every model of Macintosh, this program is offered without warranty as to its ability to run on any given machine.
The software is licensed and delivered on an "as is" basis. The author makes no other warranties, either expressed or implied, by stature or otherwise, regarding this software product. its quality, its performance, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose.
** The initial password is: monitor (Must be all lower case)
*** Users are advised to refer to the included manual for access to all of QuizMaker
Pro's features
QuizMaker Pro
is a full-featured Macintosh application which generates, administers, archives, and scores multiple choice and matching tests. In this program, the user (teacher) can:
>> Create and save multiple choice tests.
>> Create and save matching tests
>> Edit previous tests.
>> Have the computer administer the tests to students, notify students of their scores, allow them to review missed questions, see scores in a file accessible to the teacher only.
>> Print copies of the test or print the scores for the class.
>> Include pictures and/or explanations to accompany each question.
>> Use many other features.
New Features in QuizMaker Pro 3.0
>> Addition of Matching Module.
>> In Mult. Choice quizzes, Question length = 32,000 plus chars. Answers length increased to 255 chars.
>> Questions now able to include styled text.
>> Interface redesign including 3-D buttons.
>> Students can print their individual results from the Results Screen.
>> Preferences saved in test file. Can be different for each test.
>> Multiple tests can be enabled and taken at the same time without teacher intervention.
>> QM Pro manual included in shareware version.
New Features in QuizMaker 2.0
>> Memory problem which caused QM to loose track of questions has been fixed.
>> All windows will correctly refresh
>> Up to 20 incorrect answers will appear in the results screen and be shown when viewing whole score file.
>> A new preference file for QM is stored in the Preferences Folder: System Folder and allows:
> Sound to be turned on or off
> A notice can be set to show or not show at the bottom of each question and can be edited in the preferences screen.
> Pref can be set so that the answers will be randomly arranged for each question.
> Toggle on or off ability to see explanations when an explanation has been created for a question.
> Allow a time limit on each question and set that limit.
>> The teacher can now create an explanation for any of the questions on a test. Text in an expl. can be styled and sized. When the student misses a question and reviews his/her answers, an explanation button will appear for questions with an expl.
>> Pictures can be attached to any question and the PICT resource can be created from within QM (no additional appl. is needed).
>> The resource files to hold PICT and TEXT (for explanations) resources can be created from within QM.
>> Double clicking on a test icon will shorten the loading of that test while still requiring the password for security.
>> Help is available in this version by choosing HELP from the Apple Menu from within the program. Registered users receive a complete manual.
QuizMaker 1.0 was first released in February, 1994.
QuizMaker 3.0
is shareware. If you find this program useful, please register by sending $15 to:
Roger Clary
7325 E. Firelands
Hudson, Ohio 44236
Site licenses are available to schools and include all Macs at a given site: $85
Registered users receive:
>> Shareware notice no longer appears
>> Access to future upgrades.
>> Online Tech support for QM
QuizMaker 3.0 will run on any Macintosh (minimum 12" screen recommended). Tested only under Sys. 7. It prefers 2Megs of free RAM. Installation requires 1Meg hard drive space. Version 3.0 will not read test files created with previous versions. Please contact MacMUSE software for upgrade information.
For further information, contact us at: